Tuesday, August 17, 2010


This past weekend i went up to the vermont house with my parents, aunt and brother for our dad's early birthday weekend. We had perfect weather so were able to get in lots of golf (for those who golf), swimming, and lounging around outside. My brother had been excited about taking the zip wire over the pond for ages, so after watching me once, he climbed up. Halfway down, we heard a crack, and the wire dropped a foot or so. He was over the water and just dropped in, so the rest of us went to investigate. At first everything looked normal, but then we noticed that the entire trunk of the tree was split. My dad grabbed the wire and pulled, and the entire tree came with it. Frankly, i'm not sure how it stayed up with Kevin on it in the first place. Since we're handy, we managed to reattach it to a stronger tree with new (not rusty) bolts, and it's even a bit tighter now. Kevin might work on his tree climbing abilities to keep them up to snuff.

the zip line in action before it's initial demise.